Seats Info
- Overall Dimension: P 62cm x L 62cm x T 62cm
- Seat Height: T 62cm
- Wood Frame: P 3.7cm x L 3.7cm
- Another Label: Another Value
- Wood Frame: Solid Wood Sungkai / Acacia
- Seater Frame: Solid Acacia Wood
- Finishing: Matte Doff
- Coating: Melamine
- Cushion: Super Premium Yellow 32
- Upholstery: Vienna Regecy
CUBIX - Produk yang paling ekonomis dalam jangkauan furniture. CUBIX MODULAR SERIES adalah design eksklusif yang terdiri dari sofa 3-dudukan, sofa 2-dudukan, dan sofa single. Tersedia juga meja lounge dengan sofa 1set. Kerangkaan terbuat dari kayu teak yang tahan air dan rayap. Kami memperhatikan setiap detailnya, sehingga anda tidak perlu khawatir.
3-dudukan, sofa 2-dudukan, dan sofa single. Tersedia juga meja lounge dengan sofa 1set. Kerangkaan terbuat dari kayu yang tahan air dan rayap. Kami memperhatikan setiap detailnya, sehingga anda tidak perlu khawatir The Cubix Series is a timeless masterpiece that represents freedom within the scope of the geometrical fundamentals. A series that is unparalleled in terms of quality and extreme design with a touch of elegance.
- Export quality, Proven and Guaranteed.
- Special attention to every detail of the product.
- Innovative, elegant and timeless design.
- Only use selected materials.
- Professional monitoring on production and quality control.
- Strong durability that expires over a long period of time.

- Export quality, Proven and Guaranteed.
- Special attention to every detail of the product.
- Innovative, elegant and timeless design.
- Only use selected materials.
- Professional monitoring on production and quality control.
- Strong durability that expires over a long period of time.

- Export quality, Proven and Guaranteed.
- Special attention to every detail of the product.
- Innovative, elegant and timeless design.
- Only use selected materials.
- Professional monitoring on production and quality control.
- Strong durability that expires over a long period of time.
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